Monday, May 4, 2020

Western civ blog 46

Today on our online western civ class we had to go back and re-read the section on the Twelve Tables, on p. 156. Then watch at least the first 8 minutes of “Law & Order in Ancient Rome – The Law. Then write a summary of the Twelve Tables. Communities have laws to organize themselves and regulate the actions of their members. The twelve tables were written laws for the plebeians to have power to propose legislation, intervene in legal matters, and veto the actions of other magistrates. The Twelve tables were originally carved on wooden tables and set up on display in the public. they eventually upgraded to bronze for the sake of permanence. The common people/ plebeians finally had a say in the law. The laws were passed in three different types of assemblies. The first one was centuriate assembly, which is for high elections and military affairs. The second one is tribal assembly, which is for lower elections. The last one is plebeian assembly, which is for matters that only affected lower classes. The senate would first propose the law to their people, then they would discuss in groups, and finally vote on the law without discussion on that day. The roman Law consisted of: Preamble, main text, sanctioned. The Twelve Tables established the idea that all free citizens had a right protection of the law.

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