Monday, June 1, 2020

Western Civ Blog 55- letter to your future self

The Corona Virus came to the United States so quick. One day we were in school, going to all our classes, socializing all day, and going to sports practices after school, when suddenly we were told schools were being shut down for 2 weeks. I remember the last day we went into school perfectly. It was a half day and a dress down day. We were told to get all of our books out of our lockers so they could be disinfected. Soon was when we started cyber school. It was hard to adjust to it but we all thought we would be back in school soon enough so we dint really need to get the hand go it. But we were wrong. The date that we would be going back to school kept getting extended for weeks until school was called off for the rest of the year. My brother, who is a senior, was devastated. As of right now he hasn't had a prom, graduation, or any of the senior experiences that all other seniors get. I think everyone swell as myself misses going to school. The teachers have worked very hard to get assignments that we can do virtually. We have had calls with our classes where we discuss what we're learning and have watched videos and read from textbooks but I sill feel like I'm not learning as much as I do at school. The school started making us sign in by 11 which has helped me get up and working rather than sleeping all day. Some days I don't have motivation to do school. While we were quarantined there was lots of time where I was feeling down because I was unable to see my friends or leave the house. I am very social so that definitely impacted me. I would do everything I could to keep myself occupied. I would go on walks a lot, workout, bake, read, watch movies, and spend as much time with my family as I could before I would get tired of them. Overall I have mixed emotions about quarantine. Of course I wish I could be living my normal life, but if this is what I have to do for a few months to keep my loved ones, as-well as myself safe, then its worth it.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Western Civ Blog 54

Today on our online western civ class we had to take notes on the rest of Chi Cago’s Study Guide, slides 43-52. After the murder,  Julius Caesar’s grandnephew, and adopted son, Octavian took over at the age of 18, with his own triumvirate. Mark Antony is an experienced general. Lepidus is a powerful politician. This was the Second Triumvirate. Octavian forced the weak Lepidus to retire. He and Mark Antony become rivals. Mark Antony partnered up with Cleopatra of Egypt. Octavian then defeated them at the Battle of Actium. Octavian was now on his own. He is now the unchallenged ruler of Rome. He was given the honorific “Augustus” or the “Exalted one”. He was also given the title “imperator." He was the supreme military commander. This is where we get the word “emperor." Now Rome is an empire, not a republic. Octavian ruled for 40 years, 27 BC to AD 14. He began a stable era of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana (Roman peace). Pax Romana was 207 years long, 27 BC to AD 180. Some of his accomplishments were that he expanded the Roman Empire further into Africa, he set up civil service to run thengovernment/empire. Building a network of roads, collecting taxes, establishing a postal service, administering the grain supply, building awesome public facilities, setting up a police department, running a fire-fighting organization. He died of natural causes. After Octavian’s death, power was passed down to emperors. Some were good, some were not as good. First we have Tiberius, Ruled from AD 14 to AD 37, a good general, but a reluctant emperor. After the death of his son, he exiled himself from Rome and left his prefects in charge. He died at age 77. Then Caligula ruled from AD 37 to AD 41. He on a power struggle after Tiberius' death. He is known for his cruelty, extravagance, and perversity, an insane tyrant. He was assassinated by a group of praetorian guards, Senators, and the imperial court, trying to re-establish the Republic. Next was Claudius. Claudis ruled from AD 41 to AD 54. He suffered from many infirmities which was a limp, stammering, shaking, slobbering. He took over because he was the last adult male in the family. he ruled well and built roads, aqueducts, canals, and started the conquest of Britain.He died by poisoning, it was his last wife's plan because she wanted her son Nero to rise to power. Last was Nero. He ruled from 54 to 68, and emphasized the arts. There was a huge fire in 64. He wanted to rebuild Rome to be more majestic. He hugely overspent, and even raided the temples for money. Historians do not look kindly upon him.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Western Civ Blog 53

Today on our online western civ class we had to take notes on Slides 32-42 from "Chi Cago's Guide to Ancient Rome," which covers the rise and fall of Julius Caesar. We will be taking out test on June 2. Two things that kept the plebs happy and that kept them from revolting was bread and circuses. bread, free grain from the state, and entertainment, circus Maximus, Colosseum, partly to keep them alive, and partly to keep them quiet, distracted, and docile. Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting the plebeians. Military generals worked that angle, they lead an army that conquers a land, then give them a share in the spoils. Soldiers’ loyalty was to their military leader, not necessarily to Rome or the Republic. Julius Caesar, 100 - 44 BCE, was a highly successful general. He conquered the huge territory of Gaul. Politics made common folks happy and made Julius friends in high places. Pompey, a general who conquered Syria and Palestine. Crassus was was the richest man in Rome, one of the richest men in all history. These three men formed the First Triumvirate, called “rule of three men." Caesar serves as consul for one year. Then appointed himself governor of Gaul. Pompey got jealous, and becomes his rival. Caesar’s armies clash with Pompey’s in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt. Caesar won. In 44BC Caesar was named dictator, first for six months, then for life. Caesar granted citizenship to people in provinces. He expanded the Senate, adding his friends. He also created jobs for the poor, especially through public works projects. Then he increased pay for soldiers. Last, he started colonies where those without land could own property

Western Civ Blog 52

For my essay I am goin to be answering question A. I feel that I will be able to answer this question the best and most thoroughly because I know about the current government of the united states and I find researching the roman government interesting.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Western civ blog 51

Today on our online western civ class we had to read pages 160-165 and take notes like we used to do in your notebooks, but on your blog. The Civil War was a conflict between groups within the same country. Julius Caesar was a military man, strong leader, and a genius at military strategy. He served one year as consul, and joined forces with Crassus. Triumvirate was a group of three rulers. Augustus got the title"exalted one". Pax Romana was the period of peace and prosperity. As Rome grew, the gap between rich and poor grew wider. Landowners lived on large estates. Thousands of enslaved people. Small landowners, former soldiers, couldn't compete so they sold their land to the wealthy landowners and became homeless. Tiberius and Gaius tried to helped Rome's poor by limiting the size of estates and giving it to the poor. Generals started recruiting their own soldiers to gain power for themselves. From 58 BC to 50 BC Caesar led his legions in a campaign all over Gaul, he won his people's loyalty and devotion. Successes in Gaul made him popular with the people of Rome. Caesar's troops defeated Pompey's armies in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt. In 44 B.C. he was appointed dictator for life.Caesar then granted Roman citizenship to many people. He expanded the senate, gave jobs to the poor, and increased pay for soldiers. He feared he was gaining to much power so he was assassinated. The Civil war broke out after his assassination. Octavian, who was the 18 year old grandnephew of Caesar, joined general Mark and took control of Rome for ten years. He had the titles of Augustus and imperator, supreme military commander. Augustus was Rome's ablest emperor, he set up civil service, paid workers to maintain government, glorified Rome, and set up a government that survived for centuries. After he died the government he created maintained the stability of the nation. Agriculture was a big part in Rome, 90% was farmed. Most people in Rome lived in the countryside and worked on farms. The number of slaves reached 1/3 of the population. Roman law then stated that slaves were property of their owners. The government and religion were linked. Dieties were symbols of the state. Social status was how you lived back then. The rich spent lots of money on homes and gardens, etc. Most of the population was poor and the government supported with daily rations of grain.The colosseum held lots of large events. Soon, Christianity started to appear, early followers were met with lots of brutality.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Western Civ blog 50

Today on our online western civ class we had to explain how, where, why, and who fought the Punic Wars. The wars were tough from 264 - 146 BCE. There were three wars fought by Rome and Carthage. The first one was fought from 264 to 241 BCE. Naval battles for control of the strategically located island of Sicily.Rome won this war. The second war was fought form 218 to 201 BCE. Carthaginian general Hannibal, who was 29-year-old, almost does the impossible, taking Rome. He attacks Rome from the North after crossing Iberia, Spain, and the Alps. He lays siege too much of the peninsula for 15 years, but he never can get to Rome. The third, and final war was fought from 149 to 146 BCE. Rome wanted to remove the threat of Carthage. Scipio, Tiberius Gracchus, and others attacked the city. Carthage was burned for 17 days. This caused the city’s walls and buildings to be destroyed. When the war ended, the last 50,000 people in the city were sold into slavery. The rest of Carthage’s territories were annexed, and made into the Roman province of Africa. The 50,000 Carthaginians, 150,000 Greek Pows slaves were poured into Italy. At the end of the second century BCE there were more than a million slaves in Italy.All the small farmers lost their land to aristocrats, for little or no money. Slaves did the work on the farms for the rich. The big farms became massive estates called latifundia.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Western Civ Blog 49

Today on our online western civ class we had to describe the structure of the Roman government, and how that republic compares to our present-day US government. Your blog should discuss these two topics. Slides 9-12 talked about how bad of a leader Tarquin was. He did many crazy things as a leader, like blackmail a women and then it ended with her killing herself. Tarquin tried to cover it up, but the whole family ended up getting expelled from Rome. He was an old school Tyrant. In slides 13-22 it talked about how the Roman government is compared to how the US government is run today. It also talks about the 3 branches of government. These are the similar to the 3 branches in the United States. The slides also describe how government officials were elected and what their role was. It also explains more about the Plebeians and Patricians.

Western Civ Blog 55- letter to your future self

The Corona Virus came to the United States so quick. One day we were in school, going to all our classes, socializing all day, and going to ...